Weekly Musings – 10th July – Making technology work for you!

This week I am discussing how we can use technology to help us, rather than hinder us. We can enforce our boundaries with some small changes. I am also chatting about my new offer. I’ve launched Voxer days. These special days are brilliant – they free you up to get on with your day. And they give you my support all day!

It’s funny how we are so addicted to our phones. Maybe funny isn’t the best word to use because it can be a real problem. Sometimes we are so attached to what is happening on our devices that we miss what is happening in the real world.

That having been said, technology can be a real help. If we learn how to use it to help us work smarter rather than harder, AND if we put good boundaries in place then we may just unlock something special.

Voxer Days

I’ve just launched a new way to work with me using technology and in the video below I talk about it. Voxer days give you the benefit of having me in your pocket – to offer guidance and support for a full day. You can also bundle these days along with calls or you can secure a retainer to work with me over a longer period of time. The choice is yours – but let’s make tech work for us, rather than making us its slave!

Watch the video for the full musings – and the cards which support us this week! If you prefer audio you can grab the pod here!

Watch the musings from this week’s cards

Let me know in the comments if the cards resonate with you this week. I’d also love to know whether you are a slave to your technology or if you master it instead!

Share your thoughts and please feel free to share this message with others!

Woman on her phone.

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