The Power of Crystal Reiki

My last workshop for 2022 is a Crystal Reiki Master Class on Saturday 3rd December 2022. You may be wondering why there is a specific Crystal Reiki workshop going on. Why would anyone take this workshop? I mean surely you can just lay the crystals on and do Reiki – right?

Well, yes, you can do that. But it is so much more powerful when you learn how to properly blend these two healing tools together.

Crystal Reiki – not just Reiki with Crystals

When I first started out in 2010 I only had Crystal Healing at my disposal. Rocks n Rituals was born from my love of crystals. Hence the Rocks part of the name!

When I was then attuned to Reiki in 2011 I discovered that the two modalities worked really well together. But I hadn’t done any formal Crystal Reiki training. I was simply a Crystal Healing Practitioner and a Reiki Practitioner. So I just put the two things together. It was good but I knew there was something missing.

Crystal Reiki

A few years ago I did some CPD training. As a Reiki Master Teacher registered with the CNHC and Reiki Guild, I have to complete continuing professional development each year. So I decided to do a Crystal Reiki Master course.

In that course I learned about Crystal Reiki symbols which could be used for grids on and around the body. I discovered activation meditations that can be used to fully activate a Crystal Reiki grid. And I learned how to properly attune crystals to the power of Reiki.

A different flavour of Reiki

The difference it made to my practice was amazing. The crystals felt so much more powerful. They were fully activated and alive with Reiki energy.

My grids were stronger and more focused. I was able to create Crystal Reiki prescriptions for clients who needed them. And I began to understand my healing stones in a whole new light.

Crystals are powerhouses. They are full of healing energy and their unique vibration restores balance quickly and effectively when they are placed on or around the body.

If you have done any crystal training, you will know that there is more to it than just laying on the stones and hoping for the best!

You need to carefully choose your crystals. Dedicate them for healing purposes. Cleanse them regularly. Charge and empower them regularly AND programme them effectively.

On their own, after you have done the necessary preparation work, they are fabulous healing tools. So imagine how exponentially more powerful they could be if you added the power of Reiki as well!

A powerful vortex of healing energy

Filling the chosen crystals with Reiki energy and symbols. Bringing forth a powerful intention to restore balance and healing to yourself or the person you are working with. Creating a vortex of healing energy and light beaming out from your crystal grid to people all over the world if you want!

Wow. I can tell you – it is powerful indeed. And that is why I am running this one day masterclass. It is a Master level class so you do need to have Usui Levels 1 and 2. Ideally you will also have some crystal knowledge – the basics is enough.

During this lovely day long event we will put the pieces together and activate a healing tool that you can use again and again. You even get a fabulous set of crystals to take home, as well as a training manual with all the information you need.

I love ending the year’s events with this class. There is something really magical about the energy as we approach Yule. I’d love to see you there.

Special Offers

As a really special deal if you book and pay for your place in full before 25th November (Black Friday) you can grab a spot for just £99 instead of £110. The class will be held in the Maitri Studio in Belfast from 10am to 4pm. Book your spot now.

And if you want to get a little bit of Crystal Knowledge beforehand you can grab the micro bundle of courses which includes Crystal Chakras for just £75 or why not take advantage of the Crystal Healing Practitioner course on offer for Black Friday at just £222.

Have a fantastic week whatever you are up to. Make sure to get on the mailing list if you aren’t already and follow me on Facebook and Instagram. You can also leave a comment here on the blog – tell me what your favourite crystal is and how you like to use it.

See you next week for a chat about the 5 Elements of Reiki.

Much love as always, Debi x

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Manajemen

    thanks for writing this, what a special offer!

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