The 6 R’s of Resilience

Resilience is so important and this year, more than ever, we need to be resilient. How can be build resilience? In this article I will look at the 6 R’s of Resilience.

What is resilience?

Resilience is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness”.

Psychological resilience is defined as the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly. Resilience exists when the person uses “mental processes and behaviours in promoting personal assets and protecting self from the potential negative effects of stressors”.

Learn how to be resilient with the 6 R’s of Resilience

The 6 R’s of Resilience


It is vitally important that we each take responsibility for ourselves. This means being responsible for the choices we make. For the actions we take and for our own wellbeing. If each one of us took responsibility for our own health and energy then the world would be a brighter place. Being responsible for yourself means taking care of yourself. For example, if you know that eating a certain food makes you feel rotten, then the responsible thing to do is not eat it. If you are aware that watching the news brings you down or makes you feel anxious, then stop watching. You are ultimately in control of what you allow into your life. Your diet is not just your food. It is also the things you surround yourself with. Take responsibility for what you allow into your energy field. Do not let someone walk through your mind with their dirty shoes! Be responsible. Own your life. Stop allowing yourself to play the victim. Take responsibility for your choices and show up for yourself every day.


Reflection is an important part of building resilience. By reflecting on how we are and what is happening we can learn and grow. Reflect on how you feel. What is going on in your life? Where can changes be made to help you feel better? Reflect on what works well for you and what is not working so well. In all professional roles, reflection is a key ingredient. Being reflective means you learn from mistakes. Reflecting on your life on a regular basis helps you to become the observer. This allows you to look at what is going on without judgement. You can take a step back and review your day. Look at what worked well and what didn’t. Then take responsibility for making the necessary changes or learning new skills, to help the next day be better. By being reflective and responsible you become resilient.


It is also vitally important to relax! You know that I always bang on about self care. You need time to unwind. It is important to fully relax and allow your body, mind and spirit to recharge. As you reflect on your life, look at relaxation. What do you like to do to unwind? Take responsibility for making healthy choices for relaxation. Perhaps a walk in nature, or a spot of gardening. Maybe relaxation means losing yourself in a good book or creating something. Perhaps it is a soak in the bath, meditation or a healing session. When we take time to relax it allows our body to heal. Instead of running on adrenaline and stress, the relaxation hormones take over. This leads to feelings of wellbeing and peace. And this helps build resilience. Create your reservoir of healing energy within each time you relax.


Interpersonal relationships are important for resilience. This year we have all had to take a step back from being with friends and family due to the pandemic. This doesn’t mean that we should cut relationships out of our lives. We can still connect with each other. Technology allows us to video call, phone call and stay in touch in lots of ways. It is also important to ensure your relationships are supportive. As you practice reflection, reflect on your relationships. Who is your support network? Think about friends, neighbours, work colleagues, your partner etc. Loneliness is a pandemic that we all need to fight, if you are struggling with this, please do reach out. There are many supportive organisations out there that can assist if you find yourself without a good support network.


Our body needs good nutrition and fuel in order to function well. If you put the wrong fuel in your car it doesn’t work. Your body is the same. As we move into the winter months, the temptation is to comfort eat and not move as much. Use this time of year to nourish your body with warming soups and stews. These are full of goodness and your body will thank you. Make healthy, conscious choices about your diet. Remember, as I said earlier, your diet is more than the food you eat. Your diet also includes the environment you live in, the energy you surround yourself with, and the thoughts you allow into your mind garden. Take some time to reflect on this – then make responsible choices for your own health and wellbeing. You can control this aspect of your life. While so much is outside our control these days, your diet and what you choose to put into your body and mind, is very much under your control.


Having fun, exercising and doing things that make your heart sing are wonderful ways to build resilience. Recreation and relaxation often go hand in hand. What do you love to do? Tell me, what makes your soul happy and your heart sing? By incorporating more recreation into your life, you naturally build resilience. It is often easier to work hard knowing that you have fun things to look forward to later.

Balance leads to Resilience

These 6 R’s of Resilience all lead to balance. It is this balance that assists with resilience. The more you take responsibility for your life, the easier it gets. You are able to reflect and make conscious changes. Relaxation and Recreation help you to build a reservoir of positive energy to use when things get tough. Refuelling your body and leaning on your support network of relationships all helps with balance. When you are in balance then you are able to respond rather than react. And that means you can bounce back easily when life throws you curveballs. Practice the 6 R’s of Resilience and watch life improve each day.

If you would like any help at all with any of the concepts in this article, please get in touch. Coaching programmes are available as well as healing sessions and much more at

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