My favourite books on Shamanism

Have look at my shortlist of top Shamanism books that you must read. These books will get you started with learning or deepen your knowledge.

Shamanism is a huge topic. When you start to learn about it you can feel overwhelmed. I thought it would be helpful if I gave you a short list of good books to read. Sometimes finding the right book can open up a wonderful world for you.

These are my own personal preferences and books I have found useful. They are in no particular order.

Therapeutic Shamanism Series – Paul Francis

The following 3 books by Paul Francis are highly recommended: –

The Shamanic Journey – Therapeutic Shamanism – Volume 1
Rewilding Yourself: Discovering Your Soul’s Deep Roots Through Shamanic Practices (Volume 2)
Finding Your Deep Soul: Guidance for Authentic Living Through Shamanic Practices (Volume 3)

These books are by Paul Francis, a UK Shamanic Practitioner who runs the Three Ravens College. You can find out more about him here. Paul’s writings help you to understand Shamanism even if you are a total beginner. For example, he spends the majority of Volume 1 outlining how to journey effectively. By journeying effectively you can have a better experience with Shamanism. Moreover he highlights the importance of a grounded practice which is vital.

Books by Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman is one of my favourite Shamanic teachers. She has a wealth of experience. Her books are easy to follow and provide great insight into Shamanism in the modern world. Find out more about her on her website.

Awakening to the Spirit World – The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation. This book was co-written by Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wesselman. In this book you will learn all sorts of techniques. The section on death, dying and rebirth is profound. The book also comes with a CD which contains drumming tracks and rattling which is helpful for journeying.

Walking in Light – in this book, Sandra outlines her practice and explains how you can bring it into your life. Because of this book, I have found a whole set of new practices.

The Book of Ceremony. This wonderful little book gives you ways of bringing ceremony into your life. For example, the web of light practice and the transfiguration ceremonies which are excellent for our modern world. Because of this book, I have new ways to express my ceremonial practice. For example, I recently led a web of light ceremony to help lift fear and angst.

Animal Guide Books

Stephen D Farmer – Animal Spirit Guides – this is my “go-to” reference book. For example, if I receive a magpie feather, I check out Magpie Medicine in this book. It is good to have a reference book and it is great to also use intuition.

Ted Andrews – Animal Speak. This book is wonderful and a welcome addition to your collection.

Woman sitting with tiger
Power Animals

Books by Alberto Villoldo

Alberto Villoldo, Ph. D., is a Cuban-born psychologist, medical anthropologist and author. He writes primarily in the field of neo-shamanism. You can visit his website, The Four Winds, here.

The following books are my favourites. They are definitely worth a read, particularly The Heart of the Shaman.

  • Firstly, The Heart of the Shaman. This is my favourite.
  • Secondly, Shaman, Healer, Sage.
  • And thirdly, Soul Journey – this one looks at Soul Retrieval.
man playing shaman drum

Learning more about Shamanism

This list is not an exhaustive list – there are many books on Shamanism. Read what inspires you – and if you find a good book tell me about it so I can check it out too!

As a Shamanic Practitioners and Teacher I love to share the world of Shamanism with my students. To read more about what workshops I have on offer, please visit my website –

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