Is it OK to learn Reiki online?

Is it OK to learn Reiki online?

A question I get a lot is – “Is it OK to learn Reiki online?” So I thought I would take this opportunity to discuss this issue.

Traditionally, Usui Reiki is taught in person, from Master to Student. In recent years there has been an influx of online training options. This is where discernment is key. There are so many cheap options out there but you really do get what you pay for – and you need to be careful when choosing an online Usui Reiki course.

Usui Reiki – online vs face to face learning

I have always taught Reiki in person at face to face classes. But back in 2020 when we experienced the global disruption and upheaval of the pandemic, I had to find new ways of doing things. So I decided to try out teaching Level 1 Reiki via a live Zoom class.

It was a great day. I took a lovely group of students through their Level 1 Reiki training in a sacred virtual environment. It was a beautiful day and the energy was amazing, particularly during the distance attunement section. In fact, now that I have carried out quite a few online classes like this, I can confirm that the attunements are even more potent when done this way!

But as a registered Reiki Teacher with the UK Reiki Federation, one of the UK’s largest Reiki professional bodies, I have a duty to my students. I am obliged to provide high quality and effective training – and to provide in person attunements with all students – particularly for students who want to become professionals.

The Reiki attunement issue

I thought long and hard about this. In fact, it was this issue that prevented me from considering online Reiki training for so long. What could I do?

The more I sat with it and meditated on it, the more I realised that anything is possible when you set your mind to it. Usui himself received the first energetic attunement while on the mountain with nobody else present. Energy and attunements are not bound by time or space. We teach this as part of Level 2 training with distance healing work. Anyone who has had a good distance healing session knows this. They will tell you that it is just as effective as in person healing. I have also experimented with trying out distance attunements myself in other energetic healing therapies. Personally, I found them more powerful than any I have had in person.

During lockdown I got around the issue by running the virtual training and doing attunements during the call. Then, for those that wanted to move to professional status, I opened up some 1:1 sessions and carried out in person attunements for them. But long term this wouldn’t be feasible from a time point of view for me.

I want to bring Reiki to as many people as possible. And I want to offer it to people all over the world – so offering 1:1 in person sessions with me doesn’t work.

Professional Bodies – waking up to 21st Century reality

I was previously registered with the Reiki Guild. And I had a conversation with them about this issue. They agreed that there is no reason why Reiki cannot be taught online and attunements passed during the live calls. They agreed that it would work effectively but they still stated that as a professional body, they still wouldn’t sign off professional practitioners with an online attunement.

But the thing is – Level 1 Reiki isn’t for professional use. Level 1 is all about you discovering how to harness the power of this high vibrational energy to bring healing into your own life. Reiki 1 teaches you how to live the Reiki way. It opens the door to self understanding, mindfulness, inner knowing, quiet confidence and healing!

And even beyond that – not everyone wants to be a professional! So why should I prevent people from doing Level 2 or 3 in this live online manner – if they aren’t wanting to be registered UK professionals?

Thankfully the UK Reiki Federation, who I am now registered with, has made it possible to register with them if you have had an online attunement. The caveat is that you MUST have been in a live online environment. And that is perfect! Because when I teach online I always teach live.

Quality, effective online learning

It is a complete no-brainer. Especially now that Holy Fire ® Reiki is available. Holy Fire ® Reiki is an evolution of the Usui Reiki System that connects you with the higher heavens. I upgraded to Holy Fire ® Reiki in September last year and have completed Master Teacher Training and World Peace Reiki in this beautiful system.

Whilst Usui Reiki is my first love, my journey with the Holy Fire has led me to finding a deeper connection to Reiki. Personally I find the Holy Fire energy to be much more refined – and much simpler to work with. Usui told us that our role as Reiki practitioners was to continuously grow and evolve our capacity for Reiki – and Holy Fire ® Reiki is this evolution.

So I am now offering live online training via Zoom for those who want to learn from an experienced and respected Reiki teacher. My Usui Reiki training will remain in person in Belfast but all Holy Fire training will be done in a live, online environment.

You see, some of the cheaper online Reiki training options out there do not offer this type of training. They give you videos and worksheet downloads and then get you to book a time for your distance attunement. You rarely get any direct contact from the teacher. I don’t believe this is an effective way to learn Reiki – and this would certainly not be accepted for anyone trying to register with a Reiki professional body.

Holy Fire Reiki

This is why I am now offering Holy Fire Reiki training online. All my online classes will be live, not recorded. All students (including Usui students) will also get an online course dashboard where they will get access to some recorded materials and workbooks for private study as well – but the main training will be LIVE, with me. So yes, you can learn Reiki online!

It is important to me, to be able to offer the highest quality Reiki training that I can. At all levels – not just Level 1. I also feel that this time in our lives is significant. So many people are awakening to their spiritual potential and are turning to Reiki. It is necessary to be able to offer quality, effective training to those who want it, no matter where they are in the world.

Are you ready?

I hope this post has shone a little bit of light on learning Reiki online in a safe and effective way. If you have concerns or questions please do ask – I am here to help. Let’s spread the Reiki love – learning Reiki together and sending love and healing out into the world.

Find out more about upcoming training and events here.

Much love, Debi

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