Embracing Infinite Potential with Nostalgia and Reflection

After the ferocity of last week’s cards we have a more gentle reading this week. But we still have a Major Arcana card showing up – and it is none other than The Fool. With infinite potential nostalgia and reflection being the message this week from the cards.

Cards for this week

Infinite Potential Nostalgia and Reflection

The card carries no number – it is 0. Infinite potential.

There is a child-like energy to this card – how many times have you whispered to yourself – there has to be more to life than this? How many times has your soul cried out for a leap of faith and a new beginning?

At this time of year we tend to feel this more. We are on the brink of a new year as this one wraps up. We are running headlong into the festive season and it’s not always an easy time of year. It can feel stressful and difficult. Perhaps you aren’t where you thought you’d be or perhaps this year hasn’t gone as you wanted it to.

Surrender to the Unknown

Maybe it is time to trust the process. To take the leap of faith into the unknown?

We have to surrender the need to control how things will work out. And take the first step. And then the next step. For me, having mentorship this year really helped me with that. Because we don’t always know the next step to take but by having a sounding board and someone in your corner, you feel so much safer taking that leap – don’t you?

Nostalgia and Reflection

The 6 of Cups has also made an appearance this week. Again with the childlike energy and innocence. You may be feeling a sense of nostalgia or connecting with the past as this week progresses. Again, a natural thing at this time of year.

It is just as important to look back as it is to look forward. I have been doing some planning work with the members inside Soulpreneur Space and as part of that I have been asking them to look back as well as forward.

I’ve reviewed this year – both professionally and personally to take stock. And this card is a reminder to do that. To tap into the emotions and allow them to be there.

This month is a difficult one for me. Both my parents passed away in the month of December. My dad passing on 9th December 1989 and mum just last year on 16th December 2022. So I will be reminiscing and allowing emotions to flow for both of them but in particular for mum as her loss is still so raw.

But it is also Christmas time and my birthday this month so it is a real dichotomy of mixed emotions for me. So I love that this card has appeared because it almost gives us permission to spend time with our inner child and nourish ourselves with what we need.

Self Care & Self Love

So make sure to take some time for yourself and honour the emotions that are coming up. Ask your inner child what they need from you and don’t be afraid to tap into your past. Who you were can highlight how far you’ve come – and that journey can shine a beautiful light on what is coming up for you.

Everything we have gone through in life has led us to this moment – so honour it and be grateful for it. Everything is an opportunity for growth and development as we continue on our earth walk.

Vibrant New Beginnings

Finally the Ace of Cups brings the promise of new beginnings. This is a positive card of vibrant new things! Tap into those emotions – they hold powerful magic. Don’t close off your heart space – that is where your true power and essence lie!

Cultivate the ability to call on expansive, compassionate, and radiant feelings and consciously radiate these out into the world. Send a ripple of joy and love out from within. Love fixes everything. We need to have love for ourselves and for humanity. For our planet and for all living beings.

This card asks you to open up your energy and radiate that beautiful soul light out into the world. And draw to yourself the beautiful, positive new beginning that is out there waiting for you.

Forgive yourself for any past mistakes. Again, like last week, we are reminded of the need for radical self acceptance and love in order to move forward. Use this week to tap into your emotions, to review your past. To forgive yourself and others and to move forward with hope in your heart.

Beautiful cards this week – may you have a loving and soulfully expressive week ahead.

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