Facing our Truth

This week the cards are all about facing our truth. Very appropriate given that we are in eclipse season. Last week it was Earth, Responsibility & Us. Now are we are about to have a partial solar eclipse with the new moon this weekend. And as we move into a new month, it is time for change and facing our truth.

Facing our Truth

It isn’t always easy to face the truth. Nor is it easy to clear out the clutter and do things we have been putting off. The energy of this week is calling us to do just that.

I have been clearing out my mailing list this morning. I do this from time to time. It was something I had been putting off. One of those things on my mental to do list. That list that never quite gets done!

But when we leave things hanging or unfinished, it drains our energy. Just like last week we spoke about taking radical responsibility. This week we have to face our truth. That means looking deeply within at what needs to change.

For me, that meant doing the things I have been putting off. Like reorganising my mailing list. Saying goodbye to those who aren’t engaged. Tidying up my workspace. Creating new opportunities for community support, and lots more.

Shamanic Medicine Cards

This week I chose to use another Shamanic deck. I wanted to follow on from last week’s message. And also, to remind you that enrolment is opening for The Medicine Wheel course which starts in September.

Facing our Truth - Shamanic Medicine cards, Lodge, Plant Medicine and Four-Legged.
Facing our Truth – Shamanic Medicine Cards

Lodge – Seek Counsel

There are times to go it alone and there are times when you need experience and advice from others. Seek counsel. Ask as many people as you wish and take a view on the advice given. Different perspectives can help you with an answer. If you genuinely want their advice or opinion then you will be met with a genuine response.

Be open and honest in your communication. Aking for help is an act of strength, not weakness. If you are met with resistance or ridicule then you will know not to ask those people again. It can help you weed out the people who are unsupportive.

Release fear of being judged. Silence at this time doesn’t serve you. Be brave, speak your truth. Only accept what feels right for you. Integrity is the key. This card can also sometimes indicate that someone is holding back from speaking to you.

The Importance of Community

Lodges were often places were elders and the community would meet. A hub for community life. We have lost much of this in our society. Having a supportive community is vital.

This is why I am building Reiki Rooms for the Reiki student community, and also why I have created Mystical Moon Days for those interested in tarot and spiritual development.

Plant Medicine – Facing Our Truth

With all the false news and controversy in the world it can be tough to uncover the truth. Shamans often use plant medicine to journey to increase vision and clarity. It helps tear down the veils between the worlds. Plant medicine opens up a world of knowing who you are. It forces you to face your truth.

This doesn’t mean we should all rush out and try hallucinogenic plants. Or that we should try and get some synthetic high to help us understand the truth of our lives.

Rather, this card indicates that you should fully investigate the matter before you before reaching an agreement or signing a contract. It can also indicate that it is time to leave an unhealthy relationship or situation. You must check in and trust your own intuition. Admit the truth before someone else reveals it. You must walk your talk and live your truth.

So what does this mean to you? How else does this card indicate truthful change in your life? Do you need to be more plant based? Perhaps you need to get really clear on your direction and stop dreaming or having unrealistic ideals?

This card can sometimes come across as a harsh wake up call. Just like those who embark on a plant medicine journey can often find that life is never the same again afterwards. What do you need to see clearly?

Sit with this and journal. The answers are within you.

Four-Legged – Strength and Endurance

This card reminds us that the animal spirits are always there to assist us. Just like a physical animal companion, their essence is very real in the otherworld.

You can call upon your animal guides to give you strength if you need it. Perhaps you need a little extra support right now? Do you need to lean on their strength and endurance to get you through a tough time? Call upon them – they are always there.

Notice the animals around you. Working with animals – either physically or spiritually is so rewarding. They have a faithful, loyalty that is often lacking in our human counterparts. I know so many people who say they prefer animals to humans!

In summary

I feel the cards are highlighting that we all need to face our truth. It is time to lift the veil. Life needs to shift and change. Harness the power of eclipse season and be brave. Clear the clutter. Face what needs to be faced. Honour your inner knowing and truth. Seek advice and guidance. Walk your talk. Lean into the support of the faithful and enduring animal kingdom. If this resonates, leave me a comment.

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Much love as always,


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