You are the Artist of your Life

You are the Artist of your Life

Earlier today we experienced a total lunar eclipse. The blood moon in Scorpio closes the eclipse doorway which we have been talking about over the last couple of weeks. The intense cosmic energy now settles into integration period where you can become the artist of your life.

Inner Strength

You may feel a deep inner strength coming up from within. These last 4 weeks will have challenged you to let go of old patterns. Perhaps relationships have changed. Or maybe you have felt pushed to your limit.

Take these next 2 weeks to integrate the changes. Allow yourself to rest and recharge. Begin taking those forward steps towards your new, empowered lifestyle. Simplify your life. Listen to your inner guidance. You are the artist of your own life!

Starseed Oracle Cards

Our cards this week come from The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. As always, the artwork is beautiful and is by Danielle Noel.

Cards from the Starseed Oracle
Cards from The Starseed Oracle

Wait – Things are being Woven

Our first card is “Wait”. It is not time – things are being woven. This makes perfect sense after the intense period we have experienced. You need to allow time to integrate the changes. Perhaps you have been asking for guidance but feel you are not getting any answers. This is actually guidance. The silence means wait. Things are still being woven. Just because things don’t go according to your timeline, doesn’t mean they aren’t moving. Trust the process. Patience is needed – and faith!

It can be difficult to wait. We live in a world of instant gratification. Of constant movement. A fast-paced world. Give yourself the gift of slowing down. Pause. Breathe. Recalibrate your energy. Trust that all is unfolding as it is meant to. You may not be able to see the bigger picture. Lean into the lessons of the last few weeks and wait. Your time will come and you will be able to move forward soon.

Your Life is a Canvas

This card reminds you that you are the artist of your life. Take responsibility for your ability to create. Your life is the canvas – what are you painting?

Your present moment is based on your past thoughts and beliefs. We have talked about this before. Human beings are powerful manifestors. But often we focus on the negative rather than what we want. This ultimately leads to a poor experience.

We shape our reality by our own perspective. Our thoughts, words and beliefs matter. What are you creating?

Reconnect with your manifesting power. Align your thoughts, feelings and actions with the vibration of love and creativity. Open your heart – that is where your strength lies. Mindful, daily consistent action will lead you to your heart’s desire.

Attitude of Gratitude

If you don’t know what you want then start with gratitude. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life. State out loud what you are most grateful for. Gratitude shifts your vibration quickly and easily. Look for the good in life and you will attract more.

This card invites you to see your life as a canvas. What you put on that canvas is entirely up to you. You choose the colours, shapes and composition. Are you intuitively designing the life you want to live?

Whale & Orca Elders

Our final card comes from the sea. Whale and Orca Elders are benevolent cosmic beings, here to anchor a frequency of love into the Earth. They harmonise it with their song. As they swim through our oceans they maintain a balance and frequency – they do so much more than we know!

Their physical presence affects the magnetic field. And their song reminds us to wake up and hear our own Soul song. If you are blessed to look into the eye of a Whale you will never forget it. They look deep into your Soul. Seeing beyond your suffering, physicality, personality and identity.

Surrender to your Truth

This card calls you to surrender to your deepest truth. Bow to who you really are and share your truth freely. Stretch your heart wide open. Leave your fears and doubts behind. You are enough!

A divine being, capable of powerful creation. Sing the song your Soul came here to sing! Allow that song to emanate in all directions. How are you being called to share that song? You are also asked to recognise this deep Soul in everyone you meet. Peel back the layers of wounding and pain. See the beauty of your Soul and the Soul of others.

Beautiful Message

Such a beautiful message this week. Wait – pause and recalibrate. Integrate the energy of the last 4 weeks. Allow your creative visions to rise up within you. Become the artist of your own life. Be accountable and responsible for your creations. And sing the Soul song you came here to sing!

I trust this resonates with you – and if you are struggling right now to find your way, please trust that the path will open up. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge. Focus on the blessings in your life. Open your heart and lean into your unique power.


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