The Magic of Faery Reiki and Nature for Healing

This week I want to talk about the magic of Faery Reiki and Nature for Healing. But before I get into it, what an amazing couple of weeks it has been! September has certainly got off to a great start. As you know HEAL ran from the end of August into the beginning of September. The pop up group was full of gorgeous energy, beautiful connections and lots of healing energy. I followed it up with a 2 part masterclass last week called Frequency, maybe you caught it. I am so grateful to say that 8 new wonderful members have stepped into SFC as a result of HEAL and Frequency, and the doors are now closed again until 2024 – but do get yourself on the waiting list as occasionally spots become available and are offered out only to those on the waiting list.

So tonight in SFC I will be welcoming the new members and we are looking at our cards tonight. We’ll be doing a 4 card spread together and sharing interpretations using Angel, Oracle and Tarot cards. The theme is the transitioning seasons – as the energy is shifting – even if the weather hasn’t quite got the memo yet!

The Magic of Faery Reiki and Nature for Healing

The increasing temperatures really do go to show the climate is warming and shifting. As stewards of this planet we have a responsibility to tread gently on the earth and to do what we can to minimise our impact.

Last week inside SFC, Betsi Nemeth came to chat to us about the fae realms and about creating sustainable ecosystems in our gardens, window boxes or back yards. We need biodiversity and pollinators to keep our gardens and food crops healthy. Betsi, who works in nature on a daily basis, and who is closely connected to the faery realms, tells us that the elemental energies and faeries really encourage us to get out into nature. And to plant flowers, herbs and other plants to encourage insects and pollinators into the space.

Faery Reiki & Elemental Energy

As you may have seen I have a brand new 6 week programme starting in October. The Faery Reiki and Elemental Energy Course will be diving deep into how we can heal with the natural world. How we can work with the faery and elemental energies, Reiki and Shamanic practice to bring about healing for both ourselves and the planet. I have partnered with the British Bee Association and have pledged to donate £25 for each course sold to the British Bee-Keepers Association to help in their fund raising efforts to help protect the local bee population.

I’d love as many of you as possible to join me on this course – payment plans are available, and if you need an extended plan just ask and we can make it happen!

Bee on a yellow flower

Neal’s Yard Remedies

Another way that I continue to support biodiversity and the bee population is by working with Neal’s Yard Remedies. NYR has been on a mission since 2011 to save the bees and since that time has donated over £250,000 to bee-friendly charities saving over 56 million bees. NYR operates an organic, biodiverse and sustainable ecosystem in England and their products are certified organic by the soil association, are cruelty-free, vegetarian and vegan friendly. Later today the Autumn range of new products and festive gifts will be announced so please make sure you are in my FB group to get the latest news and deals or keep an eye on the shop here. I spent yesterday morning learning about the new products and plans for the rest of this year and I have to say the gift range and new products for this season are simply gorgeous.

Cards for the week

I feel all of this ties in nicely with the energy themes for this week. There is a vibe of personal responsibility, manifesting what you focus on and elevating your power as you stand in your truth this week. The cards also agree! Mercury will be moving direct at the weekend so this week is a great time to speak your truth from your Soul, and take note of your inner dialogue as you are quickly and effortlessly manifesting what you focus on – so take care! Focus on what you want not what you don’t. The sun’s energy is very active causing many of us to feel a sense of butterflies in the stomach as change is in the air – this is amplified by the changing of the season too. Take time out to listen to your inner voice, your Soul. We also have a new moon in Virgo this week asking us to declutter, cleanse and clear. Almost like a Spring clean vibe but in Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere. Honour that and accept your worth too – as you cultivate a soulful life, notice your inner world and take responsibility for the direction you are heading.


The Justice card speaks volumes in respect of personal responsibility and speaking the truth. Review your plans, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, particularly now that Mercury is ending its retrograde period. Elevate your power by recognising your divine soul and spark within. Act with integrity this week – doing what you know to be right, even when people aren’t looking! All will work out for the best in the end so don’t stress. Allow natural justice to step in as the week unfolds.

Ace of Summer

Ace of Summer card speaks of the new beginnings and ties in nicely with the new moon energy. Open your heart to love and to your Soul – notice that little voice within. It will lead you to a new emotional or spiritual beginning. You may even have an epiphany this week – a moment of beautiful clarity. As Justice and Ace of Summer work together, you may find that you can finally balance head and heart. Give yourself time to do this.

Four of Winter

The Four of Winter comes around to remind you to take time out. To rest, recharge and recuperate. Minimise stress. Go within. All the themes we have talked about already. The pine cones symbolising spiritual awakening – like the pineal gland, the third eye. We can only have this understanding and awakening when we take the time to look within. And to make sure our physical bodies are nourished and rested so we can hold the higher vibrational energy that wants to move through us.

Nine of Summer

As we take these steps the Nine of Summer comes in to tell us that all our wishes will come true. Dreams are being fulfilled and this is a magical time – but we have to do the prep work first. There isn’t a magic wand – but life can feel magical when we tap into the abundance of nature, support the unseen realms with our positive intentions and actions, and work with the transitioning seasons. September and October are months of transition – magical times.

The veil between the worlds thins at this time of year as we approach Samhain at the end of October but the energies are already stirring. Now is the time to get in tune with the faery folk and to learn how to heal yourself and this planet by working with the elemental kingdom. So come and join us inside the Faery Reiki and Elemental Course, and help support the bees by doing so!

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