Munay Ki Workshops

The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of great transformation, and foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – persons of wisdom and power who live free of fear and abide in their eternal nature, Homo luminous.
The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past-the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs you inherited.  They reinform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.
The rites of the Munay-Ki were brought to the West by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, distilled from his work as a medical anthropologist with the high shamans of the Amazon and Andes.
Person looking at mountains

A message from Dr. Villoldo:

“Rites of passage and initiation have been practiced for millennia by all peoples in the Earth. The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. They are stripped of all trace of the indigenous cultures they come from. I did this to respect the native traditions, and to avoid the idea that persons from the West can become traditional shamans or Indians. I offer these rites with full permission from my teacher, don Manuel Quispe, who was the last great medicine man of the Q’ero Inka nation. Any fault or flaw in their presentation is exclusively my own.”

"We have been the keepers of rites that usher in who we are becoming as a people, as a planet. These processes are not only for the Indians, but for the entire world."
Don Manuel Quispe to Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

Munay Ki are given as part of the in person Medicine Wheel course. There are currently no dates available for this – please contact us for more information.

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