Introducing Catalyst - Your Key to Soul-Led Business Leadership and Freedom in 6 Weeks!

Whether you’re just starting out on your entrepreneurial path or you’ve been running a business for a while, you’ve dreamt of taking charge of your own life. Many of us have held onto these dreams while dealing with the corporate grind, all while craving the taste of financial freedom. I’ve been through it too, and I’m here to light the way.

I understand the corporate pain, the yearning for depth and meaning beyond the daily routine. I know how it feels to have dreams hidden in the recesses of your mind, waiting for that ‘perfect’ moment. But let me share a truth that changed my life: 

The moment you’ve been waiting for is right now.

Catalyst is your compass, whether you’re just setting out on your soulpreneur path or wanting to transform your established business into a thriving, soul-led venture. It’s the key to becoming the master of your own journey and the driver of your life, all while achieving the financial freedom you’ve yearned for.

Catalyst is a 6 week business mentoring group programme which will have you stepping fully into your role as a Soulpreneur with support and guidance every step of the way.

What's in store over the 6 weeks?

Week 1

Envision: We’ll work together to clarify your goals, help you find your Northstar, and breathe life into your dreams.

It is time to get the ideas and dreams out of your head and into reality. This week you will do just that!

Empower: It’s time to make informed decisions, stand in your own power as a business owner, and fully embrace the entrepreneurial mindset. 

You need to think like a business owner and stand in your power – there is no better feeling!

Harmony: I’ll show you how to maintain a work-life balance, nurture your well-being, and flourish in entrepreneurship while still pursuing your passions and dreams. 

You didn’t start your business to be a slave to it – let it work for you!

Radiate: You’ll learn to craft captivating content, build a magnetic online persona, and lead yourself confidently in the online arena.

Don’t allow your voice to melt into the online noise – it is time to be heard – your message is needed in the world – share it! 

Serve: I’ll guide you in nurturing your customers, turning them into loyal advocates who keep coming back for more. 

When you get nervous – focus on being of service. It is time to lean into serving your clients and creating a loyal customer base.

Sustain: You’ll prepare your business for long-term success by crafting sustainable strategies and plans.

Planning and looking ahead is needed – yes, we can be in the moment and be mindful, but without strategy we cannot sustain our businesses!

Let me introduce myself

Debi Barr in the office

Hey, I’m Debi – nice to meet you! I’m not your typical business mentor. I’m a Soulpreneur with over a decade of experience. I’ve authored two books, “The Reiki Solution” and “Rocks n Rituals Tarot Tales.” 

With a background in legal admin and IT, I’ve honed a unique set of skills that can help you amplify your message to the world.

I’ve worked with hundreds of spiritual seekers just like you, helping them find their purpose and build their confidence. Many of them have gone on to create successful businesses that align with their values.

My journey began as a corporate employee, like many of you. The 9 to 5 grind, the daily commute, and the monotony of the working world were my reality. On the surface, I was ‘living the dream,’ complete with a good job, a nice car, and a stable salary. Yet, beneath it all, the stress of not living my soul’s purpose led me to chronic illness and pain. I relied on medication to combat depression and used alcohol to self-medicate, all while pondering if this was truly all life had to offer.

The dream of being my own boss simmered beneath the surface for years, clouded by the fear of truly being seen. Then, life threw a curveball my way – redundancy. This was my catalyst for transformation, an invitation to embrace a holistic, soulful business that not only supported my life but also allowed me to actively steer it.

This transformative journey led to the creation of Catalyst – a 6-week program that distils years of wisdom, experience, and learning into a vibrant 6 week programme. To turn your dreams of a thriving, soul-led business into a living reality.

Here’s the deal: I’ll give you the tools, show you how to use them, and create a supportive space for you. But remember, you’re the driver of your own life, not my passenger.

Reiki Healing Association
IPHM Approved Training Provider

Why join Catalyst?

Because you deserve a business that not only supports you but also aligns with your soul’s true calling. I’ve walked in your shoes, understanding your yearning for more. My holistic journey has been the most fulfilling ride of my life, and I’m here to offer you the keys to unlock your potential.

Imagine a life where you’re the captain of your destiny, steering your ship toward financial freedom, going with the flow rather than against it. Catalyst isn’t just a program; it’s an invitation to transform, evolve, and claim your place as the driving force in your life.

Sign up now and create a business that resonates with your soul’s true calling. Spaces are strictly limited to ensure every person is seen and heard, so secure your spot today!


  • Catalyst – One-Time Payment: £999 ($1111)
  • Catalyst VIP – 1:1 Voxer Support throughout: £1999 ($2222) (Only 2 spots available)
  • Payment Plans Available – if you don’t see one that suits you – just ask!
Bonus 1 - Ignition Course

Instant access to Ignition – a 4 module self paced course to help you prepare for our work together in January.

Bonus 2 Strategy Call

A group strategy Zoom call with me in December to really fine tune your 2024 vision and strategy. 

Pay in Full Bonus

If you pay in full, in addition to the other bonuses you will also get a 1:1 60 minute call with me to help you map out your 2024 year.

Join Catalyst – Take the wheel and drive your soulful business to success while still having the freedom to live life on your terms.