Introducing Spiritual Alchemy

A free 4 day experience to awaken your soul and help you feel alive for the first time in a long time!

It’s time to connect with the essence of who you truly are and discover the magic that lies dormant in your Soul

17th – 20th June 2024

Do you ever wonder why you are here and what your purpose is?

Welcome to Spiritual Alchemy – a free 4 day experience where you will awaken your soul and step into a life filled with purpose and fulfilment.

Imagine awakening each day with a sense of clarity and purpose, feeling deeply connected to your inner wisdom and intuition.

Picture yourself feeling revitalised and truly alive, maybe for the first time in years!

How awesome would it be to expand your intuitive gifts – to get crystal clear guidance from your own soul about your purpose?

Can you imagine how powerful and aligned you will feel as you celebrate your personal transformation – renewed and inspired to embrace your unique path with confidence and courage?

This isn’t just another free 4 day event – it’s a sacred invitation to journey within, to reconnect with the essence of who you truly are, and to discover the magic that lies dormant within your soul.

It’s a space where doubts and fears dissolve, and where you are held with love, support, and acceptance just as you are.

So if you lie awake at night, wanting something more from life, and you feel the call of your soul, then I invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

We start 17th June – you in?

Let me introduce myself

Debi Barr sitting in the forest

Hey I’m Debi, owner of Rocks n Rituals and founder of Soul Food Circle & Soulpreneur Space.  Pleased to meet you!

For almost 14 years I have been helping people, just like you, to step into the driving seat of their life.

Why? Because I remember not feeling like I had any choices or a say in how my life was going.

I remember not being able to have quiet or silence in my house. I would always have to have the TV on or music on. Because if it was silent I might just hear that small, quiet voice of my soul saying how unhappy I was- asking me if there was more to life.

It wasn’t until my body started to shout at me – with chronic pain and depression that I started to realise something was wrong in my “perfect” life. And when I was made redundant in 2008 it was time to take back control. 

So now I’m here to help you do the same. I will guide you towards rediscovering joy and regaining your lost confidence.

I will help you to tap into your own inner power and enjoy a life of purpose and fulfilment. It’s time to remember who you really are!

UK Reiki Federation
Reiki Healing Association
IPHM Approved Training Provider

Sneak Peek - What to expect during the free event

Shamanic Practice

Day 1 – Awaken your Soul

We will start by diving deep and laying the foundations so you gain clarity and insight into your soul’s purpose and unique path.

Beautiful Lower World

Day 2 – Harness your Healing Power

Let’s clear the old energy and self-sabotage to make room for the new you as you experience deep healing, aligning your mind, body, and spirit.


Day 3 – Expand Your Intuition

Day 3 deepens your connection to your inner wisdom and intuitive gifts, helping you to gain clarity and guidance for your unique soul’s journey.


Day 4: The Phoenix Rises

Working with our allies in the spirit world you will rise like the Phoenix and claim your place in the driving seat of your life.

Check out comments from my last free experience

Facebook Comments from Challenge Group
Facebook Comments from Challenge Group
Facebook Comments from Challenge Group
Facebook Comments from Challenge Group
Facebook Comments from Challenge Group
Facebook Comments from Challenge Group

Still reading?

OK – here is the deal. This event can seriously change your life – if you approach it with an open mind.

If you aren’t ready to open up to your intuition and to allow your soul to assist you with your life purpose then this space is not for you.

But if you are excited to see what lies beyond the veil then get yourself signed up now.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Alchemy - Free 4 Day Experience

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Come and join us – you’ll even get to meet #ReikiCat – also known as Raven.

This is her chilling out on the back of the sofa – her favourite spot.

Raven the Reiki Cat