Energy Leaks – Why They Matter!

In business, we often focus on the tangible—strategy, marketing, products, and services. But there’s another layer that can quietly impact our success: our energy. If you’ve ever felt drained, stuck, or constantly putting out fires in your business, you may be dealing with what I call an “energy leak.” These leaks are subtle yet powerful, and they can undermine your efforts if left unchecked. Let’s explore what energy leaks are, how they show up, and how you can fix them to restore balance in your life and business.

What is an Energy Leak?

An energy leak happens when any area of your life or business drains your vitality without you realising it. Unresolved issues, poor boundaries, or tasks that don’t align with your goals can deplete your emotional, mental, or spiritual energy. These leaks often remain unnoticed until you actively start looking for them. But once you identify them, you can address and seal them to restore your flow.

Common Energy Leaks in Business

Energy leaks show up in various ways. Here are some common examples that might be affecting you:

Unresolved Conflicts: Whether it’s a difficult client, a team member, or a lingering disagreement, unresolved conflict can create a constant drain on your energy. Even if you aren’t actively thinking about it, the underlying tension uses up mental and emotional bandwidth.

Saying Yes When You Mean No: We’ve all been there—taking on a project, client, or task that doesn’t quite feel right, but you say yes anyway. Over time, these misaligned choices can sap your energy and enthusiasm for your work.

Perfectionism and Overworking: Trying to do everything yourself, or pushing yourself beyond your limits, can create energy leaks by spreading yourself too thin. You end up depleted, with less energy for the work that truly lights you up.

Unclear Boundaries: Do you find yourself answering emails at all hours or allowing work to seep into your personal life? Without clear boundaries, your energy is constantly divided, and you’re left feeling fragmented.

How to Identify Energy Leaks

The first step to fixing energy leaks is becoming aware of them. Here are a few ways to start:

Take Stock of Your Emotions: Are there areas of your business that leave you feeling drained, frustrated, or anxious? These are often clues to where energy leaks might be occurring.

Look at Your Physical Health: Fatigue, headaches, or even general burnout can be signs that your energy is being depleted.

Review Your Boundaries: Are you constantly “on” in your business? Do you struggle to disconnect? Reflect on where your boundaries might be too loose or unclear.

How to Fix Energy Leaks

Once you’ve identified your leaks, it’s time to take action:

Resolve Unfinished Business: Address any unresolved conflicts or lingering issues head-on. Whether it’s having that tough conversation or making a decision you’ve been putting off, clearing the air will help restore your energy.

Set Clear Boundaries: Create dedicated work hours and stick to them. Make sure you’re not letting work creep into your personal life, and communicate your boundaries to clients and colleagues.

Say No More Often: Start tuning into your gut when making decisions. If something feels off or isn’t aligned with your vision, you can say no!

Prioritise Self-Care: Whether it’s getting enough rest, spending time in nature, or practicing mindfulness, prioritise activities that replenish your energy.


Energy leaks are subtle but impactful, and addressing them can make a world of difference in how you feel and perform in your business. By identifying and fixing these leaks, you’ll find yourself with more clarity, focus, and vitality to pursue your goals. Take the time to do an energy audit—where is your energy going, and how can you reclaim it? Once you’ve sealed those leaks, you’ll be amazed at the shift in your productivity, creativity, and overall wellbeing.

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